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My Dentist Told Me That There’s No Way to Remove Plaque and Tartar From Home… But Then I Discovered an Alternative Solution That Gave Me a Confident Smile and Saved Me Thousands

My Doctor Told Me That There’s No Way to Remove Dust and Allergens From My Home Without Spending $2,500+ on Air purifiers…
But Then I Discovered an Alternative Solution
That Transformed the Health of My Home for under $50…

By W. April | Fri, March 1, 2024 | 08:12 am

It’s hard to describe the discomfort of having allergies and breathing problems inside your own home to someone who’s never experienced it.

People tend to avoid close conversations and will avoid coming to your house at all costs. This affects everything, from work to family interactions.

My dusty house has robbed me of my confidence to host visitors. I confess, I hate cleaning, dusting shelves, and vacuuming which led to significant dust & allergy buildup in my house and probably affects my health too.

I can barely relax indoors without sneezing, coughing, and haven’t been allowed to have my grandchildren over in years because my daughter says, “they always get sick”.

I miss the days when I could confidently host visitors! My wife even used to tell me my hospitality was the first thing that caught her attention when we first met – well, that was a long time ago.

But that’s not even the worst part.

What pains me the most is that I feel like I'm growing apart from my family.

I’ve always been a strong, independent man.

But last time I asked my doctor for his professional opinion he said there is no other way besides spending $2,500+ on a traditional “air purifier”! I just couldn’t afford the cost of a medical grade air purifier, not to mention I would have to pay for those costly filter replacements every single month, as my doctor recommended. My son and daughter kept telling me to buy it, they would cover the expenses, but…

…I hate feeling like a burden, it’s not just the physical discomfort; it’s the emotional burden of feeling like an expense to my family. I didn’t know what else to do…

I Was Trying All Sorts of Home Remedies, Allergy Products, and Cleaning Services

I tried everything, but just could not get rid of the dust and allergens that plagued my home.

My primary old doctor told me on more than one occasion that there was nothing I could do to remove the dust and allergens without the +$2,500 traditional air purifier.

He just kept asking me to buy it and return to his office every month for the replacement filters otherwise I should get used to living with all the dust and breathing issues and embarrassment.

…But I just couldn’t accept it.

I just couldn’t believe that in today’s day and age – with all the technological advancements – there’s no way to have a professional & affordable way to clean the dust & allergens in my home.

So I started searching the internet, looking for an alternative solution.

However… My excitement of trying to find something new was immediately replaced by SHOCK when I discovered how dangerous having polluted indoor air can be.

The facts that I read about made me freeze in fear.

“Your Polluted Indoor Air Can Be Linked To Severe Breathing and Lung Problems”

“In the last several years, a growing body of scientific evidence has indicated that the air within homes and other buildings can be more seriously polluted than the outdoor air in even the largest and most industrialized cities. Other research indicates that people spend approximately 90 percent of their time indoors. Thus, for many people, the risks to health may be greater due to exposure to air pollution indoors than outdoors.” – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Airborne allergens and dust particles in your air aren't just a problem for your lungs, they’re a ticking time bomb for your whole body.

Here’s the scary truth: pollutants, when breathed in through your nose, can eventually enter your bloodstream. So, if you don’t effectively clear your indoor air, then you’re breathing in tiny invisible particles that can wreck your health. This isn’t just about dealing with stuffy air or some coughing. The real horror is what indoor air pollution can really do to your health.

Airborne pollutants don’t just trigger painful allergy symptoms; they can lead to serious risks, such as irregular heart beating, aggravated breathing problems, hospitalization, decreased lung function, and even heart attacks. Indoor air pollution is a huge threat that’s hard to fight back against because… your air can “look” clean but that doesn’t mean it really is clean. You could be breathing in thousands of invisible pollutants every second without even realizing it.

That’s why keeping your home allergen and dust-free is not just about vacuuming and dusting; it’s about taking back control of your indoor air quality. Neglecting your indoor air can have consequences far beyond painful allergy symptoms – it can be a matter of life and death.

Allergy Products Can Make It Worse

If you are relying only on allergy products at the store, I’m afraid it can be too late!

Treating your painful allergy symptoms with allergy products at the store can only offer short-term relief. They don’t target the root cause of your allergy symptoms. Not to mention allergy products are also single-use, so you have to replace them every week.

Total waste of money.

Using allergy products at the store can trigger side-effects that can make your overall well-being even worse; skull-splitting headaches, desert-dry coughing fits come to mind.

That’s When I Learned About Air Ionization Technology

After countless hours of searching online, I came across this little device that uses a technology called “negative ionization technology”.

I was initially skeptical about the technology’s effectiveness, but then I learned that hospitals use the same ionization technology to protect their indoor air quality and improve patient safety.

In fact, I also learned that luxury car brands like Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Tesla also use the same ionization technology in their higher-end models to give their customers a premium air quality.

I was so excited to try out the technology for myself, but I had a hard time finding an affordable option that was easy-to-use and used advanced negative ionization technology.

Until, I came across this weird little device on social media…

But Finally, I Came Across this Weird Little Device that completely transformed the health of my home…

(for less than $50)

If you could replicate in one simple device the cutting-edge negative ionization technology that hospitals use to improve patient safety and indoor air quality, you’ll be able to easily clear pollutants from your air and breathe more comfortably!

But how do you do it?

You need a device that uses advanced scientific negative ionization technology but is designed in a way that is simple enough for anyone to use it in their room to breathe fresher air.

However, this was quite complicated to find.

I was extremely stumped too until…

I came across this video online that was talking about this weird little plug-in device that uses the same ionization technology Tesla and hospitals also use to control their indoor air quality.

The device is called…


This New Breakthrough Ionization Technology Clears Dust, Allergens, and Pet Dander From Your Air 24/7 - Without You Needing to Lifting a Finger

It’s so easy to use, and the results are incredible!

Clarifion™ is a revolutionary indoor air solution designed by experts in the field. Crafted from premium materials, including advanced negative ion technology™, it offers a safe and effective way to rejuvenate the air in your home without the need for bulky, expensive air purifiers.

If you don’t believe me, check out some of the over 15,000+ reviews for Clarifion™!

“This is so easy to use & really helps get dust and odors out! Has helped my allergies tremendously! Super fast shipping & great packaging, will definitely be ordering more.”
Kiersten P., Verified Clarifion Customer
“There is a big difference in the air in my house. I would recommend this product without hesitation.”
Lynne F., Verified Clarifion Customer
"I ordered 3 negative ion devices from Clarifion, and received them promptly and in good condition. They are compact and attractive…Their product is the best I’ve seen for negative ion technology. Highly recommend!"
Kirk N., Verified Clarifion Customer
"A noticeable improvement in the air quality… Love it! I would highly recommend these plug ins!"
Mary H., Verified Clarifion Customer
"I love them!! Dusting is one of my least favorite jobs, so this product is a blessing in my life... I highly recommend this product. You can't beat it!"
Patti C., Verified Clarifion Customer

The American design team behind the Clarifion™ air ionizer researched and tested for years to develop this innovative device, ensuring it meets their highest standards of performance and safety. Driven by a commitment to improving indoor air quality, we've engineered the Clarifion™ to deliver professional-level results right in your living space.

Before you experience the indoor air quality difference for yourself, let's delve into how Clarifion™ works.

How Does it Work? Science Behind Clarifion™

The key lies in its negative ion technology™, which emits ions that attach to airborne pollutants, such as dust, allergens, and pet dander. These ions act as natural air guardians, neutralizing harmful particles and refreshing the air around you. It's like having a mini air rejuvenation system right in your home, working silently and efficiently to create a healthier living environment.

The Clarifion™ operates at an optimal frequency, ensuring maximum effectiveness without compromising safety. Its compact design makes it perfect for every room in your home, from the bedroom to the kitchen. Plus, with no air filters required, you'll save both time and money on maintenance.

Indoor air pollution is a serious concern, affecting millions of lives each year. With Clarifion™, you can take control of your indoor air quality and breathe easier. Join the thousands of satisfied customers who have already experienced the benefits of cleaner, fresher air.

It’s Not an Overstatement to Say That Clarifion™ Has Transformed My Home Environment

It didn’t long for results to appear, because most of the airborne pollutants were noticeably reduced!

Well, let me repeat myself and say that... my home tends to get dusty. (I really hate cleaning after all!).

So I was worried that Clarifion™ might not be effective enough. I was skeptical the device would be powerful enough to help me take back control of my dusty polluted indoor air.

Thankfully, it worked like a charm, and it performed incredibly well!

Before getting Clarifion™, I couldn’t relax in my home at all. And… my family stopped visiting me. Even my wife was growing more and more distant.

She told me that my hospitality, the fact that I used to always invite people over, my big social spirit… that was the thing she loved the most about me.

In my defense, my indoor air quality was so dirty that people avoided coming over because they didn’t want to breathe my polluted air. Even my grandkids stopped visiting me!

I didn’t want my friends and family to suffer so I also stopped inviting people over…

But now, thanks to Clarifion™, I’m back to my normal self!

The fresher air inside my home makes me feel young again. I invited my grandkids over and they could immediately tell the difference. The air inside my living room tasted fresh and my wife became more affectionate.

My wife and I were like a young couple again, barely able to stay apart!

My family and friends started visiting more and more, and I also invited people I hadn’t had over in years!

I couldn’t believe how much cleaner the air felt. Even though my wife tried her best and dusted everyday there were still layers of dust and allergens that seemed impossible to tackle without an expensive air purifier.

Clarifion™ cleared my dusty air easily. Without any filters too, so I didn’t have to spend any additional money on filter replacements.

To be honest, I didn’t expect to feel such a noticeable difference in air quality – especially since I’ve struggled with allergies my whole life.

But the Clarifion™ was truly like a breath of fresh air!

I’ve regained my confidence in hosting people, my health seems better than ever, and I’m breathing more comfortably.

The Clarifion™ truly exceeded my wildest expectations. It changed my life.

After only a few days of using the device, the results were clearly noticeable.

Even in my first reaction, when unboxing the package, I was impressed by the size and weight of the product. It fits perfectly in any room, and you just have to plug it into an outlet before it starts going to work 24/7!

I’ve started to feel so much more at ease in my home – and also it’s been giving me peace of mind knowing I’ve reduced my exposure to indoor air pollutants. After a conversation with an expert, I confess I’ve become much more conscious about my indoor air quality.

Here’s What Makes Clarifion™ So Brilliant!

Carb-Certified: Clarifion™ delivers a professional-grade air rejuvenation experience right in your home, targeting airborne pollutants like dust and pet dander that contribute to indoor air pollution and allergy symptoms.

Combats All Kinds of Airborne Contaminants: You’ll finally freshen your indoor air the right way, without wasting money on expensive solutions that don’t deliver results.

Rejuvenates Your Air 24/7: The negative ions generated by this device can sink even the most stubborn airborne pollutants that can exacerbate allergy symptoms, such as dust particles, allergens, and pet dander. Clarifion™ protects your breathing and overall well-being.

Compact, Portable, and Designed for Every Room: Clarifion™ is built to accommodate your needs, with a compact and portable design that allows you to enjoy fresh air in every room of your home.

Easy to Use with Immediate Results: Experience effortless air rejuvenation and enjoy around the clock results, giving you a cleaner and fresher indoor environment 24/7, while also providing peace of mind about your kids’ breathing.

Save on Expensive Air Purifiers: By getting yourself a Clarifion™, you can avoid relying on costly air purifiers to deal with indoor air pollution, saving you precious time and money.

Durable design: Crafted with premium materials for durability and reliability, Clarifion™ ensures long-lasting performance for your indoor air rejuvenation needs.

Safe Negative Ion Technology™: The device emits negative ions that effectively neutralize airborne pollutants, providing a comfortable and effective air cleaning experience that supports your respiratory health.

Thousands of People Were Able to Freshen Indoor Air And Save Money With This Device

If you check out Clarifion’s website, you'll find thousands of reviews from people just like you who were able to significantly improve their indoor air quality and breathe easier again:


You see, we're so confident in the power of our Clarifion™ air ionizer that we want to remove all the risk for our customers. Each product comes with a 30-day satisfaction guarantee*, meaning you can try our air ionizer for 30 days without any financial risk whatsoever.

If you don’t experience the relief of breathing cleaner air and noticing a reduction in indoor air pollutants using our unique negative ion technology™, we will gladly help you with your return and refund!

What I really appreciate about us is our genuine concern for each and every customer, and we prioritize customer satisfaction above all else.

Now, I have some really good news to share with you. Just this week, I had a conversation with our team, and we are currently running limited-time online discounts. This is great because indoor air pollutants can easily affect your health, so if you want to help family members who also need cleaner air, make sure to get a separate device for each of them.

But I also have some bad news: our special discounts are only available while supplies last, and units are selling out EXTREMELY fast.

If you can still place an order, it means there’s stock left. So I recommend clicking the button below and getting yours today. Click on the link to visit our official website. You will see more details and once the button comes up (usually takes like 30 seconds or so), you can click through to our secure checkout page and choose the package that suits you best.

Personally, I would recommend taking advantage of the great discounts by getting the 9x ‘Family Pack’ so you can put one in every room, multiple devices in your kids’ bedrooms so you have the peace of mind that they’re breathing fresher air. They are the best value deal for your money.

Once you place your order, you will immediately receive an order confirmation email. We ship all orders from our USA warehouse, and once we send yours out, you’ll receive another email with your tracking link, keeping you in the loop every step of the way.

If you can still order, that means you are one of the lucky ones who can still benefit from the bundle discounts.

Click through now and see if the discounts are still available



As you could notice, overall, I was really impressed by the (quick) results. The negative ion technology worked effectively, too, which is pretty important, especially for those with allergy symptoms.

I can’t imagine my indoor environment without this little device anymore. Expensive air purifiers? Who needs them!

This air ionizer is not only cost-effective but also very convenient.

You should try it.

After all, it comes with a 30-day satisfaction guarantee*, so there’s not really anything to lose.

Give it a shot and see how much fresher your indoor air feels.


March 5, 2024

Before they sell out again, Clarifion™ is offering a special ‘new customer’ discount (Inventory: Low), and you can get UP TO 46% OFF. Click the button below to save up to 46% on your first order of Clarifion™.



4.5 | 5,086 Reviews


Effective Air Ionizer For Any Room - Recommended by Americans
24/7, Whisper-Quiet, and Filter-Free Negative Ion Generator
Bullet-Proof 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee*